Saturday, March 27, 2010

Film Festival Sounds Alarm on Environment

Showcase of 155 films offers fresh perspective on green, climate change issues

Photo: Esben Hardt/Ace & Ace

If global warming continues at the same rate as today, by the end of this century, the Arctic could see a temperature increase of up to 12 degrees centigrade.

Every spring the nation's capital welcomes the cherry blossoms and the Environmental Film Festival. Flo Stone, director and founder of the festival, says the event is wildly popular.

"It's a collaborative festival with, this year, 110 participating organizations. And we're showing films in 56 different locations. We've never had a place turn us down. Never."

Fresh perspective

Movie theaters, museums and universities screen films with a fresh perspective on environmental issues.For example, Eskil Hardt's "One Degree Matters," focuses on the destructive impact of global warming.

Hardt says that, while his film rings the alarm on global warming, it also carries a positive message that we can stop carbon emissions with renewable energy such as solar and wind power.

"We are showing that the technology is out there," says Hardt. "We can start changing the world tomorrow if we want to."

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