Saturday, March 27, 2010

Grand Illumination in Colonial Williamsburg

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Thursday, March 25, 2010
Grand Illumination in Colonial Williamsburg

Adventure (2) Asia Travel (15) travel (1)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Grand Illumination in Colonial Williamsburg
It’s that time of year again. Residents of Virginia, and regular visitors to Colonial Williamsburg know it well. It’s neither Christmas nor Thanksgiving. It’s not New Year’s. No, it’s all these things and more rolled into one. It’s time again for the Grand Illumination.

Illumination is a series of events running throughout the holiday season in America’s largest living history museum, beginning with one huge night of fireworks, music, and entertainment on December Sixth, 2009. Ticket holders for the museum, hotel and resort guests, local residents, and pretty much anyone else is welcome to participate in this series of events at little or no cost

From Illumination night, through about the first week of January, 2010, the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation will maintain a schedule of special events including plays, dinners, and special holiday tours for guests who purchase tickets, but the best parts of this wonderful tradition in WIlliamsburg are still 100% free of charge.

Imagine a mile long stretch of town preserved and restored from the eighteenth century. Now imagine it adorned by historically accurate holiday decorations, candles in every window and bonfires. Imagine Colonial Williamssburg’s Fife and Drum Corps playing, carolers singing, canon fire, and fireworks. Anyone who has never been to Williamsburg for Grand Illumination has never truly experienced everything this historic town has to offer.

While the big night, December 6, is the kickoff for this amazing event, the entire holiday season will be punctuated with events every night. Guests staying in resorts in and around town will have to option to purchase tickets for certain events and be able to indulge in others at no cost. Among the most fascinating of the events that will be ongoing are the smaller illuminations of sections of Colonial Williamsburg

Throughout December, torches will be lit, muskets and canon fired and music played while certain sections of the historic area are interpreted for guests who follow the lighting of historic buildings one by one.

While reservations at Colonial Williamsburg for hotel space and dining are often booked as far as a year in advance for this series of events, there are a variety of hotels, resorts, and time shares in the surrounding area that can accommodate guests at any time of the year and schedules of special events for Grand Illumination are easy to obtain from your hotel or Colonial Williamsburg’s visitor center.

Add to all these wonderful events the fact that for the first time, Bush Gardens Williamsburg will be operational throughout the holidays in 2009 . The Park is offering something called “Christmas Town.” While some of the rides will be closed due to the cooler weather, others will be running and the entire park will be decorated for the holiday season with several unique shopping opportunities available.

If you have never seen Williamsburg, Virginia during the the holidays why not come out, bundle up, grab some hot cider, and enjoy a tradition that can become your family’s special Christmas event for years to come.
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