Thursday, April 1, 2010

Abyssinian Cat Tattoos - The Abyssinian is a breed of domesticated cat with a distinctive ticked coat. There are many stories about its origins, often revolving around Egypt, but the actual origins are uncertain.The Abyssinian has become one of the most popular breeds of shorthair cat in the USA.

Abyssinian cat images

Abyssinians are extrovert, willful and intelligent, but are usually not "lap cats", being too preoccupied with exploring and playing as they would in their natural habitat. Although very popular among breeders and owners, Abyssinians are not often shown, because of their shyness towards strangers and their timid nature. They have quiet, engaging voices that can often be misleading.

Abyssinian cat images

Abyssinian Cat Inspiration Gallery - Click here to get inspired!"Abys", as they are affectionately referred to by their fans, need a great deal of contact with the family to keep them happy and can get depressed without daily activity and attention. They generally get along well with othercats, although they need their space and the females can sometimes be irritable around other cats. Abyssinians are known for their curiosity and enjoy exploring their surroundings, including heights. They are sensible cats that do not take unnecessary risks. As one might expect from such an intelligent and physically capable breed, Abyssinians are known to be formidable hunters.

Get inspired by some really amazing images and photos in our Abyssinian Cat Inspiration Gallery

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