Thursday, April 1, 2010

Experience Hubble's Amazing View of the Cosmos in 3D

Film offers first glimpse of space telescope's breathtaking deep space images in IMAX 3D

Photo: NASA

Astronaut John Grunsfeld is positioned on a foot restraint on the end of Atlantis' remote manipulator system and astronaut Andrew Feustel (bottom center) participate in the mission's fifth and final session of extravehicular activity.

"This is what heaven must look like. There are no words that we have to describe the actual beauty of that earth, seeing it from that vantage point."

In the new film, "IMAX: Hubble 3D," an IMAX 3D camera chronicles the efforts of seven astronauts aboard the U.S. Space Shuttle Atlantis to repair the Hubble space telescope as it orbits 320 miles above the Earth.

The film, narrated by Leonardo Di Caprio, also offers breathtaking images taken by the telescope during its nearly 20 years of probing space.

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