Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Shower Curtains Imprinted With Famous World Destinations

Traveling nowadays has become a common trend. Tourism and promotion are two industries that go hand in hand in creating famous destinations, known worldwide. The idea you see illustrated in the pictures below is not all that bad actually. Classic black and white photographs of famous cities around the world were gathered up in a collection and used to make these curtains stand out. London, Rio de Janeiro, Venice, Paris and Las Vegas are just a few of the major cities featured in these designs. This is a pretty cool initiative and also a simple way to change how a bathroom looks. The original shower curtains measure 72″x72″ and can be purchased online here at a price of $29.-via

shower curtain

famous city shower courtain

paris curtain

rio de janerio shower curtain Shower Curtains Imprinted With Famous World Destinations

amazing shower curtains

Brooklyn Bridge Shower Curtain Shower Curtains Imprinted With Famous World Destinations

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