Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Unusual Wahbasin Shape from Ekateryna Sokolova

Ekateryna Sokolova is a young designer from Kiev, Ukraine, with works in the field of furniture and industrial design. Today we would like to present an unusual washbasin, a project called “Iris”, due to its shape correspondence with the elegant flower. Here is what Ekateryna stated about this design: “The idea is that the wash-basin is manufactured from sheet material, corian or metal. Thanks to these materials the basin becomes visually light weight and elegant and resembles a flower, at the same time retaining its strength. The sheet is bent in such manner that a functional shelf is created, where towels, accessories, and cosmetics are kept.” It would sure be interesting to have one of these around the house- perhaps in an environment with similar shaped elements- in order to create a light atmosphere. -via 3rings

ekateryna sokolova s iris where s the water to go large3 Unusual Wahbasin Shape from Ekateryna Sokolovaekateryna sokolova s iris where s the water to go large2 Unusual Wahbasin Shape from Ekateryna Sokolovaekateryna sokolova s iris where s the water to go large Unusual Wahbasin Shape from Ekateryna Sokolova

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