Thursday, April 1, 2010

Castrol Design a robot footballer Ronaldo emulate Greatness

Kicking the skin round it seems no longer the monopoly of humans alone. Top of creativity that was so innovative with a bandage sophistication of today's technology, has recently been attending a robot that is capable of kicking the ball to kick nandingi intense than a world-class soccer player.

These football players are now generally have a humanitarian nature that is literally faster physically drained, emotionally, sometimes less restrained and looked sloppy.

Given the weakness of human beings that makes sense only if there is an idea to replace the human role with the role of robots in one day.

Implementation of the football world cup is just count the months to live. Associated with it, has held an exhibition sponsored by Castrol robot some time ago.

The purpose of holding this exhibition is to defeat the robot kicks a player Christiano Ronaldo's feet that can kick a ball with a speed of 130 km / hr.

But from what was exhibited, it turns out the robot offerings Castrol has managed to kick a ball at speeds exceeding 200 km per hour. And marks the robot kicks the ball more intense and can overpower a kick which is owned by Christiano Ronaldo. Hmm, but roughly that someday robots play football, whether the unrest will emerge from the spectator ya! I hope not. (Int / new)

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