Thursday, April 1, 2010

Super Robot Tiny (Best Small)


robot-super-tiny-Hollywood's most-kecilJIKA more focused on making robots that are higher than man, now researchers from the Institute in Sweden, Spain, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, have created a robot with a cheaper cost and large quantity.

With limited costs, they work in a single circuit board. Single-chip designs do seem difficult to construct, especially when attaching the individual components using conventional methods. However, this time the researchers use a technology that is easy penghantar inherent to attach different modules to the circuit board. After that, the circuit board is folded to form microbots.

Components that have been put together to make microbots can communicate, move, move the energy, and collecting data. The tiny robot has a length of about 4 mm, has a solar cell power and vibration feet, three of which are used to move and one to act as touch sensors.

This work based on the concept of the I-Swarm (Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for-Micro-manipulation), which is inspired by the behavior of insects. According to this concept, a large number of robots will interact with their environment and can communicate with one another using infrared sensors, so it can show the ability of insects like ants. (D / int / uli)

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