Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Onde Onde is a food made from wheat flour or sticky rice flour fried and sprinkled surface / dibalur with sesame seeds. There are several variations, the best known are dumplings made of glutinous rice flour and filled inside a green bean mixture. Another variation is made from flour, known as wheat dumplings, which are typical dumplings from the city of Solo.


- 1kg glutinous rice flour
- 250gr rice flour
- 250 gr sugar
- 1sdm starch
- Sesame sufficiently
- 1sdm alfina

Material contents:
- 500gr of green beans without the skin, soaked and steamed until tender, then puree.
- Then digongso with 200gr sugar and vanilla tamabahkan.
- Digongso samapai can dipulung round-round.

How to Make:
- Material leather stirred together with enough water, not too lemas.Lalu dipulung round-round and give the contents.
- Dip into sesame while the press-press, until the closed meeting.
- Fry in oil over medium heat much, while continuing to stir-fry mix. Keep oil hot not because samapai dumplings will explode if the oil is too hot.

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